High Energy Reformer Pilates | Glow Bar | Shop

Our Classes

A Reformer Pilates class in a high end Pilates studio. The class attendees are following a Reformer Pilates instructor, who is demonstrating a Pilates movement.


Our 50 minute signature class designed with various components to give you the ultimate SPACE experience. Mixing in our favourite exercise styles making it a unique take on Reformer Pilates.

A Reformer Pilates class in a  luxurious Pilates studio. The instructor is leading the class in a Pilate stretch.


Short on time? This class incorporates the same movements as our core class but delivered at a faster pace. The music is cranked up a notch and the vibe is electric.

We have designed every class to be suitable for all levels of ability, from beginner to pro.

We create classes with an emphasis on strength, toning, and flexibility to promote both physical and mental well-being.